Page 8

  ‘A pussy?’

  ‘Yes, a pussy. Stuttering like a little boy, weren’t you? Sweet little baby.’ I pinched his cheeks and kissed his pouted lips. I kiss his tempting neck and suck on it till it’s purple. Marking him as mine.

  ‘I’m no baby.’

  ‘You are.’ I said. ‘To me.’ I kissed his lips playfully and licked his cheek. I pressed myself against him and felt his manhood pressing against my stomach. ‘One big dirty baby.’ I said in the most seductive voice I could manage.

  ‘Are you trying to seduce me, miss Belmonte?’ He asked tempted.

  ‘Maybe. Who knows?’ I turn around and sit back against his chest. ‘You’ll never know.’ I grab the remote from the tv and switch it on. I grab my burger and continue eating it.

  Gio placed his hand on my breast and tried kneading it but I swatted it away and kept eating my food. ‘No, no. Can’t do that, Giovanni teddybear. I’m a patient. In a hospital. I have to heal. You are disturbing my healing process.’ I shook my finger at him and carried on looking at the little tv.

  Gio groaned loudly and burried his head in my neck. He let out a big breath and pulled me closer. ‘Why are you torturing me like this?’

  ‘That’s what you get, teddybear. From stealing my food.’

  Chapter 24

  It has been two days since I’ve been discharged from the hospital. Giovanni’s brothers and Camilla has been keeping me company me non-stop. Camilla has recovered from her wounds. There were still some bruises left on her body, but she didn’t have any major wounds. I was glad about that. It was my goal to protect her from the beginning when I went into that house. And I succeeded. They found the woman named Priscilla in the basement later. She has been locked up there for hours. Camilla told me the woman helped her, she gave her food and cleaned her wounds. She did what she could. She was just another victim of my father.

  I was listening to music with headphones on. Demi Lovato was playing when my door was kicked open and Gio stormed in. His eyes were searching frantic for something, when his eyes landed on me he relaxed a bit. I pulled off my headphones and sat up. ‘What’s wrong?’ I asked opening my arms for him. He stepped in my arms and laid on top of me on the bed. He made sure my leg wasn’t hurting before he switched his attention back at me. ‘I thought you were gone.’ He laid his head on my chest as I massaged his scalp. I frowned and asked him why. ‘When I came back from getting the groceries I called you a few times. But you never answered.’ ‘I was just listening music, teddybear. You can’t keep this up. I’m fine, I don’t need security all day long. you need to loosen up a bit. I’m fine. Camilla is good. Everyone is exactly where they’re supposed to be, baby.’

  He looked up at me and kissed my lips softly. ‘Oh, and Dante is here.’ He said pulling away. ‘Alright. Can you help me get downstairs? I wanna meet him properly. Because last time it didn’t end that well.’ I snickered remembering how I fainted right in front of him.

  Gio helped me get downstairs and placed me on the couch in the living room. He sits right beside me and hangs his arm around my shoulder. Dante walked in and sat on the couch next to me and Gio. ‘Hello, Gracelyn. Pleasure to meet you.’ ‘Likewise.’ I shake his outstretched hand and sit back in Gio’s arm. Dante was wearing a black shirt and black jeans with neat shoes under them. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes like mine.

  Trust the man in black.

  I frowned when an echo of words repeat themselves in my head. I shake my thought away and focus on getting to know Dante.

  ‘How are you feeling? After such a bad experience?’ He asked.

  ‘Good, actually. Gio is keeping me alive and well, so.’ I shrug.

  ‘Sure he is.’ He smirked and winked at Gio. ‘Fuck off, Dante.’ Gio laughed.

  ‘Okay. Well, I will get to the point right now.’ Dante said seriousness filling his voice. ‘I did a background check on your father and mother. And it seems like your father was right about your mother having an affair. It happened exactly a year before you were born. So, It’s possible you have a different father than you thought you had.’

  My mouth was open and my eyes were wide when he finished telling me the information.

  ‘Grace?’ Gio said. ‘Babe? Say something.’

  ‘I-I... I..’ I took a deep breath and looked up at Gio. ‘I have a different father?’ A tear escapes my eye and travels down my cheek. I wipe it away and turn to Dante. ‘How did you know my father told me that?’


  I never thought I could have a different father. This never came into my mind when I searched for reasons my father and sister hated me. I would never have thought about this. I’m a little bit angry at Camilla for telling people without talking to me about it first, but at the same time, I’m grateful for what she did. Maybe I still have family living out there. Who knows?

  Dante cleared his voice asking for my attention. I focus myself on him and take in every word he sais.

  ’I also did more research to find who your father could be, but it was quite the search. His name is ’Federico Bello Antoïni. He lives in Italy and was here on a vacation in the year your mother and he had an affair. They met at a bar called ‘Crystal’ and were together for a month before your... other father figured it out. He is 49 years old and has a wife and a kid. So, you have a new brother.′

  ‘Brother?’ I whimpered. ‘I have a brother?’ I cried in Gio’s chest when Dante filled me in about my biological father. He told me about his wife and where exactly they lived. About how he never knew, I was born and his child to begin with. He told me he wants to meet me. My father wants to meet me. I was filled with joy at his words. I looked up at Gio and saw him looking down at me with a loving gaze. I leaned in and kissed his soft lips.

  ‘And one more thing.’ Dante said interrupting me.

  ‘Federico’s son name is...’ he looked at me with those blue eyes and spoke his words. ‘Dante Nicolas Antoïni.’

  Mouth hanged open and eyes wide with disbelief I heard his last words.

  ‘With other words. I’m your brother.’

  Chapter 25

  I didn’t know what to say.

  What would he want me to say?

  Should I be excited?

  Should I be mad?

  Should I be sad?

  I really had no idea of how to respond to his words.

  I’m your brother. Brother.

  Yesterday I didn’t even have a brother!

  How could this happen?

  ‘I..I d-don’t know what to say.’ I said.

  ‘It doesn’t matter. I hope we could just get to know each other and stuff.’ Dante replied.

  ‘Yes.’ I smiled. ‘That would be great. We could go outside to talk for a while.’ I looked up at Gio and he nodded at me. Saying it would be alright. That I could do this.

  ‘Alright. Come on, I’ll help you.’ He offered me his arm and I took it for support.

  Dante and I walked outside leaving Gio behind.

  G I O V A N N I P O V

  Grace and Dante walked outside to have some time for themselves. I understand they needed time to process this and hive it a place in their minds. Dante didn’t just gain a sister. He also gained a cheating father in his mind. His mother and father were already married when Federico had an affair with Grace’s mother.

  When he told me Grace could be his sister I was shocked, to say the least. I didn’t expect for Grace to have a different father then she always thought she had. I knew it would be hard for her to hear she could have had a normal life with her mother and her biological father somewhere else. But she handled it really well. I’m proud of her. I know she will be extremely happy when she hears we will be visiting her biological dad in a week. It will be a birthday present from Dante to her. She’ll be getting 20 then.

  After an hour, Grace and Dante walked in laughing with each other. Dante was holding Grace tight around the waist for support because of her wounded leg. The moment they walked in I saw the si
milarities between them. They both had brown hair, blue eyes. A slightly tanned skin and some freckles on their cheeks. The only thing that was really different about them was that Dante was like a huge giant and Grace was like a little fairy.

  ‘Hey, teddybear.’

  ‘Teddybear? Damn your whipped.’ Dante laughed. ‘Don’t hurt my sister, though. I’ll kill you if you do.’ He threatened .

  ‘Easy boy. I saw her first.’ I stuck out my tongue and took Grace in my arms. She encircled her arms around me and snuggled into my chest.

  Dante laughed and punched my shoulder lightly. ‘Take good care of her.’ His tone was serious and already dull of admiration. ‘I will. I promise.’

  ‘Okay then, I’ll be leaving.’ He said.

  Grace looked up and hesitated for a moment before she carefully slipped her arms around Dante. ‘Bye big brother.’ She murmured. Dante circled his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. ‘Bye, little sis.’


  After Dante had left Grace and I went into the heated swimming pool.

  The doctor told us it would be good for her to swim with her injured leg. Her muscled could heal faster if she would ‘swims’ a little every day. It’s more like walking in the swimming pool. I made sure the water would come to her collarbone so she wouldn’t drown again like last time. I would walk behind her every time she would do the exercise. And after a few days, I taught her how to swim. She loved it. She would throw on her bathing suit and dive in the water at every chance she could get.

  It has been a week since Grace knows her brother is Dante and it’s the day we’ll be flying to her dad in Italy.

  When I told her we would be going there two days ago she was ecstatic. She couldn’t stop thanking me and kissing me. Not that I minded. I loved it!

  I should surprise her more often now that I think about it.

  Dante, Grace and I were walking into the airport. Grace was struggling with the walking part, though. Dante carried her bags and I helped her walk till we arrived at the plane. We got in the plane and sat in first class. After the plane took off the stewardess brought us some appetizers and champagne. Grace was sitting beside me fiddling with her fingers nervously. I grabbed her hands and she looked up at me with her bright blue eyes full of doubt. ‘It will be fine, babe. He’ll love you. Just like I do.’ I kissed her plump lips and pulled her out of her seat into mine, it’s big enough for two anyway. She snuggles up close and plays with my hair. A minute later I hear her soft voice near my ear, ‘but what if he doesn’t like me? Or I’m not good enough? Or he doesn’t even want me in the first place, what then?’ ‘He’ll want you. You’re amazing, you’re sweet, caring, the best daughter you could ever wish for. He’ll like you for sure, I just know so. And of course, you’re good enough. Sometimes I think you’re even to good to be true for me.’ I look into her eyes making sure she catches every word I said.

  ‘I love you, teddybear.’

  ‘I love you too, babe.’

  Chapter 26

  G R A C E P O V

  We stood in front of the big mansion of ‘Family Antoïni’ in Italy. My legs were shaking, my hands were clammy and my body was sweating like I was walking through a desert. I felt like dying.

  I didn’t know if I could do that. I seriously doubted it. My leg wasn’t healed completely yet from the bullet wound and they were also weak from the nerves. If Giovanni wasn’t holding me up I would have sacked through my legs already.

  I was on the brink of running off and fly back to America when the door opened and a man with slightly gray hair stood in the doorway. He was wearing a gray suit and brown shoes. A woman with blonde hair tied up was standing beside him. Their hands were joined at their sides and were slightly wrinkled. I looked up at the man’s face and looked straight into two blue eyes. I inhaled sharply and tears sprang to my eyes. Those are exactly like mine. The blue eyes held a slight sparkle of gold in them and were filled with regret and love. Love? For me? That could never happen, he hasn’t even met me yet.

  The man, Federico, my father, dad, took me in his arms and squeezed me as close as he could. my eyes were filled with tears and so were his.

  Finally, I had a dad. A real dad.

  I already felt loved, after one tight hug. His hugs were warm, comfortable and so good. His cologne smelled like flowers. The exact flowers my mother loved. Now I know why. I see why my mother would have fallen in love with him. He really is handsome in a way I couldn’t describe. His eyes shone with warmth, love, happiness and joy.

  ‘Hello Grace.’

  ‘Hello... Federico?’

  ‘You may call me dad if you want’ he smiled at me showing his white teeth.

  After we were introduced to each other we joined each other in the living room for a cup of coffee, or tea if you preferred. I asked a million questions at him. How he was when he was little. About my grandparents. I wanted to know everything.

  Federico told us we could sleep her as long as we wanted but I knew we would return to America after two nights. I didn’t mind, though. I loved my life there. Of course, it would be great to get to know my father. But I would be returning soon.

  On the second day in the evening, my father and I were sitting alone in the garden, surrounded by flowers looking at the galaxy.

  ‘How did you meet my mother?’ I have been curious about this from the moment I stepped foot in this mansion. But I didn’t want to make Elena uncomfortable.

  ’It was at a late night in a club called... ‘Crystal’ i think. She was dancing on the dance floor. Her body moving gracefully. I was in love at first sight. But of course, I already had a wife and child at home in Italy who I loved very much. But after two weeks of getting to know her, I couldn’t resist. We ended up in bed.′ He looked at me and continued his story. ‘But I didn’t know I made her pregnant till now. A week after that she told me she had a husband and child herself. I told her about mine and we agreed to go our separate ways. Always remembering each other when we were our best selves.’

  I smiled at the story. It was sad, decepting my image I had of my mother. But I was happy in some weird way, knowing that the man who hurt us for years is not a part of my existence.

  ‘Thanks, dad.’ I said. It was the first time I called him that in two days. Tomorrow morning we will be leaving already and this felt like our goodbye. ‘You’re welcome, sweety.’

  I hugged him one last time before I walked to my room. Gio was already shirtless waiting for me on our bed and opened his arms wide for me. I locked the door and threw off my shirt. when I finally arrived at the bed I was completely naked. Gio pulled me towards me and rolled us over. He was hovering over me and looked at my left leg and back at me. ‘I’m fine. I swear.’ I threw my legs around his waist and pulled his crotch closer to my entrance. ‘See.’ I smirked. He gave me his lopsided grin and kissed my lips hard. I felt my lips tingle and throb from his kiss when he pulled back to kiss my neck. I pulled down his pants and underwear with my feet and he did the rest by throwing them on the ground. He slipped a finger inside me and we both moaned. ‘You’re so wet, babe.’ He groaned. He took a nipple into his mouth and sucked hard while pulling his finger out of me. He kneaded my other breast while kissing his way up to my neck. I pulled him towards my lips with his black messy hair and kissed him hard on the mouth. Our tongues collided and circled around each other as I gripped his hard cock in my hand. I started caressing his tip as he groaned loudly. I took his pre-cum and licked it off my fingers. I moaned loudly at his sweet taste and rolled us over. I lifted up my butt and slowly placed myself on his cock. I felt my walls tightening at how big he was and started moving up and down. ‘Fuck babe, this is so good.’ I moaned in response and took control of our bodies. When we both came to our ending I let myself fall on his sweaty chest and take some deep breaths in his neck. ‘Jesus, babe. That was amazing.’ I sat up and smirked at him. ‘I know, teddybear.’ ‘You really should stop with that nickname it ruins the mood.’ He nagged. I laughed
loudly at his face and kissed his nose. ‘Sorry, can’t do that, teddybear.’ He groaned in response which turned into a moan when I pulled him out of me. ‘Let’s get cleaned up, you coming?’ I called over my shoulder while walking to the shower.

  After a minute, I was joined in the shower by my own handsome grizzly bear.

  Chapter 27

  It has been three weeks since we visited my dad in Italy. I already missed him and Elena, they were both simply amazing.

  Camilla and I were hanging out today. She told me to meet her in her room upstairs. All Gio’s brothers and Camilla had their own room in the mansion. Camilla’s room had pink wallpaper and a white floor. The floor was soft like a carpet and felt insanely nice under your feet. Her bed was super big and stuffed with purple and pink pillows. She had a hang out place where stood two white leather chairs and a plasma tv. We were both sitting in one of those leather chairs discussing wich movie we should watch first.

  She chose ‘the purge’. A weird horror movie about people slaughtering each other. Which, I don’t find very nice to look at. And I chose ‘the choice.’ A romantic drama.

  And of course, we watched the purge first, because you can never win from Camilla. She’s just too hard headed.

  I stuffed my face in the pillow when the girl in the movie was murdered. I don’t even know wich girl it is. I don’t even understand this movie. Camilla was laughing at me as I hid behind a pillow. Nauseousness washed over me and I felt my breakfast come up. I jumped up and sprinted to the bathroom, Camilla running after me asking what’s wrong. As I puked out my breakfast she held my hair up and stroked my back.