Page 9

  ‘Gracie?’ She asked. ‘Have you eaten something weird this morning?’

  I sat against the bathtub and wiped my mouth. ‘No, just pancakes and some Orange Juice.’

  Realization hits me and I gasp out loud. ‘O my lord. Cam?’

  ‘Yes? What’s wrong, Grace?’

  ‘I-I.. I think I’m pregnant.’ Cam looked shocked, to say the least. She sat down beside me and took my hand.

  ‘What do you mean, you think you’re pregnant?’

  ‘After I came home from the hospital I completely forgot to start on my birth control again. I haven’t taken any since that day.’

  ‘Did you?.. You know.. Have sex?’

  ‘Of course, we did, otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting her right.’

  ‘Alright, come on then, we should get some tests from the pharmacy. That way we know for sure.’ She smiled at me and stood up. She offered me her hand and pulled me up when I accepted it.

  After twenty minutes we arrived at the pharmacy. Camilla was throwing all sorts of a pregnancy test in our shopping basket without looking at the prices. ‘Come on, let’s pay for these things.’

  ‘Camilla. I don’t even have enough urine for that much test.’ I looked at the basket and counted more than twenty tests.

  ‘Oh. Right.’ She blushed deep red and grabbed five of the tests and put the rest back on the shelves.

  We paid for the test and got back on the road back to the mansion.

  Thirty minutes later I was pissing on the test sticks and Camilla was rattling about babies.

  About how cute they are. How small they are.

  And about how much pain it costs when you have to push them out of your vagina. When the part came about how you could tear your vagina if the baby is too big. I tuned her out.

  It was five minutes later until the first pregnancy test sprung to positive. The other five followed by positive and two pink stripes.

  Camilla looked at them and jumped up and down ecstatic. ‘I’m gonna be an aunty!’ She screeched.

  ‘Camilla! Keep it down, will you?’ I hissed.

  I sat down om the massive pink bed in Camilla’s room and rubbed my face with my palms. Camilla sat down beside me and looked at me with a worried look. ‘What’s worrying you, Grace?’

  ‘It’s just... What if Gio doesn’t even want kids?’ I was doubting it, we never talked about having kids or having a family of our own to begin with.

  ‘Trust me, he does.’ She squeezed my hand and gave me a soft smile.

  I hesitated for a second before I asked her what’s really on my mind. ‘But what if he doesn’t want a baby from me?’

  ‘Of course, he does. He loves you. You’re IT for him. He can’t stop talking about you when we’re talking. He’s always worried about you, even if you’re just in the next room.’ Camilla hugged me close and caressed my hair. ‘Trust me, honey. He’ll love your baby. I just know so.’ She kissed my forehead and left me alone to think.

  I knew I had to tell Gio about me being pregnant. But how?

  Chapter 28

  It’s been two days since I’ve known I’m pregnant. Giovanni was waiting downstairs for me, I told him I wanted to ‘Netflix and chill’ this evening.

  I walked into the living room where Gio was already waiting for me. He had dimmed the lights and laid blankets on the couch. There were brownies, cake, and much more food on the table in front of it. Gio was sitting on the ground with his pajama pants on and a black shirt. He was looking through the movies on Netflix and stopped my ‘tangled’.

  ″Tangled’ I like that one.′ I put my arms around Gio’s neck and kissed his cheek. ‘Hey, teddybear.’ I whispered.

  ‘Hey, babe.’ He turned his head and gave my lips a light peck.

  I grabbed the plate with the brownies on them and sat down on the couch. I pulled up the sleeves of my shirt and tasted one of the brownies. ‘O my... Gio, these are so good.’ I moaned.

  He plopped down beside me and pulled me in his arms. ‘I made them for you.’ He kissed my head and pressed play on the remote.

  ‘I’ll get some hot chocolate.’ I told him.

  ‘Okay.’ I kissed his lips and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed one mug out of the cupboard and the other out of a secret place Gio couldn’t find.

  I have ordered a normal white cup with on the bottom lyrics saying ‘You’re going to be a dad.’ And if he finishes his hot choco, he will see the lyrics. I hope.

  I walked back into the livingroom feeling super nervous about this. I wonder what his reaction will be. Will he be happy? Angry? Sad? God, please let him be happy.

  I sat down beside him and gave him his cup. ‘Here you go, teddybear.’ I sat down beside him and tried to control my nerves. I tried taking a sip from the hot chocolate but my hand was shaking from my nerves so I spilled some on my pants. ‘Ah fuck!’ I screamed when the heat touched my skin. I was cussing and pushing down my pants in anger when Gio touched mt arm. ‘What?!’ I snapped.

  ‘Grace, what’s going on? Are you okay? You’re acting strangely.’ The frown on his forehead told me he didn’t understand one bit of what was going on and I felt guilty immediately. ‘I’m sorry. I’m just stressed I think.’

  ‘Why are you stressed, babe?’ He stepped closer and caressed my cheeks with his big warm hands.

  ‘It’s just... I have to tell you something but I’m really nervous about is.’

  He took a step back and looked hurt for some reason. ‘Are.. are you trying to break up with me? Because I won’t let that happen.’ He pulled me into his arms and cuddled me close. ‘You’re mine.’

  ‘No! No, of course not. I love you, of course, I won’t do that.’

  He kissed my lips and sat us down on the couch with me on his lap, one leg on either side of his waist. ‘Good. And I love you too, babe.’ He kissed my cheek and looked in my eyes. ‘Now, what do you want to tell me?’ He said rubbing his slightly haired jaw.

  Nerves once again took hold of me and made me stand up and fiddle with my fingers nervously. ‘Well... Uhmm... I...’ i sighed deeply and pinched my nose. ‘Fuck. I can’t do it this way.’ I grabbed the cup of hot chocolate and walked to the kitchen. I poured it empty and walked back to Giovanni who was sitting confused on the couch. I placed the cup in his hands and pointed to the bottom. He looked inside and frowned. ‘Grace, what’s going on? There’s nothing in here.’ ‘Fucking hell wrong cup.’ I muttered.

  I grabbed the other cup and threw the content in one of the bowls filled with chips. I placed the now good cup in Gio’s hands and nervously waited for his response.

  After two seconds his head shot up and his eyes and mouth were wide agape. ‘W-what?’ He whispered.

  ‘I’m.. pregnant.’ I whispered back.

  He jumped up and took my face in his hands. ‘Are you serious?’ His smile was the largest I’ve ever seen from him. His eyes were shining with happiness and love as he looked at me. I nodded slowly at his question and looked in his bright green eyes grinning like an idiot at his reaction.

  ‘O my god.’ He kneeled down and pulled up my shirt revealing my still flat stomach. ‘Hello little baby,’ he kissed my belly and softly stroked n my skin. ‘I’m so excited to meet you. I hope you have your momma’s eyes and little nose and brown curly hair, you’ll be beautiful.’ He kissed my belly once more and collected me in his arms. He tilted me up and swung me around. I squealed loudly and clung to Gio as he swung me around in circles.

  He kissed me softly on the lips and laid one hand one my belly while the other caressed my face. ‘I love you both so much.’

  ‘And we love you, teddybear.’


  3 years later.

  G I O V A N N I P O V

  ‘Grace?’ I shouted.

  ‘In here!’ She shouted back to me from our two-year-old son’s room. I walked into the room and saw Grace clapping Xander’s hands in the air and singing a song to him. His eyes locked on me and he stretched out his arms. Grace looked ove
r her shoulder at me and smiled at me. ‘You want daddy, don’t you?’ she cooed. ‘Of course, you do, you little daddy’s boy.’ She smirked at me and placed him in my arms. ‘Your turn to change his diaper.’

  I groaned and placed Xander on te counter. I changed his diaper real quick and took him downstairs with me. Grace was making our dinner and was swaying her hips to the rhythm of the music. her hips went from side to side and Xander began to move up and down in my arms. I placed Xander in his chair and gave him his cars to play with. He grabbed his favorite blue car and began to play with it. I turned around and placed my hands on Grace’s hips. She ground herself against me and began singing to the music. She turned around and flipped her hair while circling her hands around my neck. The music turned to slow music and we silently shuffled on the music. I laid my forehead against hers and looked into her bright blue eyes. She’s so god damn beautiful. I caressed her cheeks and kissed her plump lips, she immediately responded by opening her mouth for me. We battled for dominance and I let her take control this time. She moaned when her tongue invaded my mouth and circled around. I moaned at her taste and pulled her closer. a loud whale was heard from behind me and we both looked at our son who was looking angry in our way. Little Xander was jealous when he didn’t get the attention of his mother. Grace laughed and picked up Xander from his chair. She took him in her arms and walked towards me and took us in one of her famous family hugs. I circled my arms around them and kissed their heads. ‘I love you both, so much.’ Xander looked up at me with his cute green eyes and gave me a big smile, ‘luf you too, dada.’ Grace laid down her head on my chest and looked up at me, ‘love you too, teddybear.’ Xander’s head sprung up and looked at his mother ith wide eyes. ‘me too, momma?’

  ‘Yes, love you too, baby boy.’

  5 months later.

  ‘Giovanni?’ I heard footsteps coming my way and a kiss was placed on my cheek.

  ‘Yes, babe?’

  ‘There is some post for you.’ She gave me the yellow envelope, ‘here you go.’ I frowned down at it and began opening it.

  The front of the card was blue with a few pink, yellow, and blue flowers on them. There was ‘What will it be?’ in big letters written all over it. I didn’t understand one bit of it. was this some kind of joke?

  I opened the card and looked inside.

  There were words written inside the card with a neat handwriting.

  ‘Hello, husband of mine.’

  At the first sentence, I looked up at my wife who was sitting in front of me with an innocent look spread over her angelic face.

  I shook my head continued reading the card with a small smile on my face. What was she up to?

  ‘I want to warmly thank you for what you have done for me in the past few years, you have been unconditionally there for me and been the rock in my life.’

  ‘You’ve given me the greatest gift in the whole world, our son.’

  ‘Only there for I’m extremely thankful.’

  ‘But what you’ve given me this time, has definitely crossed the line.’

  ‘I hope you’re ready for a life full of me and our children because in seven months there will be three more of us.’

  ‘With all my love, your wife.’

  I looked up at Grace with wide eyes and saw her moving towards me with a grin on her face. She placed herself on my lap and took my face in her hands. I placed my hands on her stomach and already felt the slightly swollen bump. why didn’t I felt that earlier?


  ‘Yes. baby. Three.’

  ‘Jesus. I did a good job, didn’t I?’ I smirked up at her and she threw her head back and laughed whole hearted. She gave me a warm kiss and bit on my underlip, ‘yes you did,’ she murmured.

  ‘oh, and by the way, I love you too.’ I said referring to her letter. She gives me her dazzling smile and kisses my nose.

  ‘I’m glad.’